What's up with Mom
Even though I am not technically in the workforce I am definitely learning some new things. With only one income, I have learned how to use coupons to our benefit. I feel it is my job to stretch every dollar and spend as little as possible. I have learned that buying little girls clothes can be an addiction. I have learned how fun and joyous it is to see your child capture the attention of any and all grandparents. I have learned that I need to trust God with everything, because even though Edie is small now one day she will grow up to a young woman. Eric and I have grown together through the last 10 months and realize that we still need our time to ourselves. I love to watch him with Edie it is just so special.
In my mom’s group we recently read a parenting book, a main concept was where the color Orange represents a partnership between our family and our faith community. Red (the heart of our family) combined with Yellow (representing the light of our faith community) equals Orange. These two combined influences will make a greater impact than either influence alone. With our church, family, friends and us as parents we hope to have all of us edify Edie’s life.
I am really blessed and am very thankful this Thanksgiving season. We hope yours holiday is great too and don’t eat too much. We know Edie will.
Blessings - D